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Journal of US-China Public Administration 11年8月号

Journal of US-China Public Administration 11年8月号

  • 周期: 月刊
  • 日期: 2011-08-01
  • 页数: 126
  • 本期:¥15

    纸版价:¥ 100

  • 半年: 36元/期,半年6期,共216元
  • 全年: 32元/期,全年12期,共384元
  • 分享: -
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  • 人气: 96021

简介:In the application of DEA to presidential elections, the principal issue revolves around the choice of inputsfor the analysis. In the most general sense, the choice of both inputs and outputs can be thought of as needing tomeet a minimalist requirement. That is, the inputs and outputs chosen may not be the only important inputs andoutputs in the transformation process, but they must, at the very least, be important.3
