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Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Automation 14年1月号

Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Automation 14年1月号

  • 周期: 月刊
  • 日期: 2014-01-01
  • 页数: 102
  • 本期:¥40

    纸版价:¥ 100

  • 半年: 36元/期,半年6期,共216元
  • 全年: 32元/期,全年12期,共384元
  • 分享: -
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  • 人气: 124842

简介:Abstract: Contact reactions of guide surfaces of assembly interfaces lead to the decreasing of theirs lateral and angular misalignments.The focus of this paper is the development of algorithms for computation of guide surfaces contact forces with acceptable engineering accuracy for real time simulation of assembly operations. Therefore, each complex guide surface is described as a set of contacting elements. Each contacting element for one’s part can be represented by a finite set of geometric primitives which geometry is described by low order algebraic equations.
