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Journal of Earth Science and Engineering 14年1月号

Journal of Earth Science and Engineering 14年1月号

  • 周期: 月刊
  • 日期: 2014-01-01
  • 页数: 76
  • 本期:¥40

    纸版价:¥ 100

  • 半年: 36元/期,半年6期,共216元
  • 全年: 32元/期,全年12期,共384元
  • 分享: -
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  • 人气: 168701

简介:Human activity could be changing the Earth’s foundations themselves, as we affect multiple systems interacting in feedback mechanisms changing the atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, biosphere, and even the lithosphere (solid surface) and asthenosphere (deformable semi-molten rock layer beneath). Anthropogenic movement of ice, water and sediment alters viscosity and movement of the asthenosphere; this induces earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanism and rifting, and may induce plate-tectonic-change.
