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Economics World (El Monte, Calif.) 14年1月

Economics World (El Monte, Calif.) 14年1月

  • 周期: 月刊
  • 日期: 2014-01-01
  • 页数: 76
  • 本期:¥40

    纸版价:¥ 100

  • 半年: 36元/期,半年6期,共216元
  • 全年: 32元/期,全年12期,共384元
  • 分享: -
  • 收藏: -
  • 人气: 184234

简介:Demand driven growth is rather a common approach in many countries in the short run. Growth in aggregate demand pushes production to higher level, increasing employment and income. But what is the case in small open economies, which are highly import dependable, service-oriented, and have to import most consumers’ goods?Research is focused on the case of small open economy (Montenegro). Research will be based on statistical data for Montenegro, for period from 2000 to 2011.
