tion of the Yellow River monitored at a hydrometric station in central China’s Henan Province has plunged 90 percent from 2000 to 2016, he added.
According to the offi cial, commercial logging will be comprehensively banned for the forests to recuperate, while scientifi c measures will be adopted to curb degradation and boost the quality of the forests.To supplement the timber shortage in the wake of natural forest protection, Li said wood substitutes will be used in the construction of buildings and railways, while artifi cial forests and timber imports will also be promoted.
China implemented a forest conservation program in several pilot areas in 1998. The fi rst phase of the program was from 2000 to 2010, and the second phase will run from 2011 to 2020.
“Our goals are to put all natural forests under protection and establish related systems of restoring natural forests by 2020,” said Jin Min, a senior offi cial with the NFGA.
By 2035, the area of China’s natural forests will remain stable at about 200 million hectares, to fulfi ll the objective of building a beautiful China, according to Jin.