
  • 来源:家教世界
  • 关键字:女生,门牙,舞伴
  • 发布时间:2019-12-01 13:33


  据我所知,露比是学校唯一一个被勒令休学过的女生,原因是她咬老师。事实上,露比之所以只有一颗门牙,是因为另一颗嵌在了安德伍德老师的胳膊里。As far as I know, Ruby is the only girl who has ever been suspended from our school, and that was for biting a teacher. In fact, the reason Ruby only has one front tooth is because the other one ended up in Mr. Underwoods elbow.

  每次在走廊遇到她,我都加倍客氣,因为她太吓人了。I try to be pretty nice to Ruby whenever I come across her in the hallway, because she terrifies me.

  不过今天我开始担忧了,会不会是我对她客气过头了,导致她误以为我喜欢上她了。我最不想见到的事情就是露比把我的名字写在小纸片上,因为我知道要是她做了我的舞伴,我保准会做出让她生气的事,然后她剩下的那颗门牙就会嵌在我的手臂里。But today I got worried that maybe Ive been too nice and she might think I actually like her. The last thing I need is for Ruby to write my name down on that little slip of paper, because I know if shes my dance partner, Ill do something to make her mad and end up with her other tooth in my arm.

  所以我就用我的小纸片来阻止这事儿的发生。So I used my little slip of paper to try and make sure that doesnt happen.

  我还把我吃了一半留下来的糖果棒搭进去了,以确保莫雷塔夫人能理解我的用心。I even threw in a half-eaten candy bar I was saving for later on to make sure Mrs. Moretta comes through for me.

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