
  • 来源:电影中国
  • 关键字:50度灰,北美
  • 发布时间:2013-10-24 10:58


  The biggest casting news of the year may turn out to be the decision to put Charlie Hunnam (leading man in Pacific Rim) and Dakota Johnson (supporting actress in 21 Jump Street) into starring roles in the film adaptation of 50 Shades of Grey. Fans of the novel reacted passionately on Twitter and Facebook, and some even started a petition asking for different actors to be cast. Yet we are betting those fans will still see the movie on opening day.

  《50度灰》的票房大有可为。作者E.J. James的(同名)情色小说,讲述一个亿万富翁与一个大学生之间的强度性爱纠葛,在全球销量超过7000万册。如此规模的潜在观众是电影经销商梦寐以求想挖掘的资产。如果焦点电影公司制作出一部强势电影,并精心组织好营销活动,吸引小说的忠实粉丝,他们很可能最终赢得焦点公司空前的最大热门。《断背山》是另一部脍炙人口的性爱主题影片,是目前为止焦点公司的第一大片,全球票房高达令人印象深刻的1.781亿美元。

  50 Shades of Grey‘s box office potential is immense. Author E.L. James’ steamy novel about an intense sexual relationship between a billionaire and a college

  student has sold more than 70 million copies worldwide. A builtin audience of that size is the kind of asset that film distributors dream of tapping into. If Focus cranks out a strong film and orchestrates a marketing campaign that taps into obsessive fans of the novel, then they could end up with their biggest hit of all time. Brokeback Mountain, another sexually-charged film that had people buzzing, is currently Focus‘1 hit to date with an impressive $178.1 million global haul.


  It’s worth noting that film adaptations of controversial books don‘t always lead to strong box office receipts. Take American Psycho, for instance. The 2000 adaptation of Bret Easton Ellis’ violent novel grossed a disappointing $34.3 million globally before reaching cult status on DVD. Yet the problem with American Psycho could have been timing. The novel was originally published in 1991, so by the time the adaptation hit theaters the controversy had passed. 50 Shades is still very fresh in the minds of those who‘ ve read it. It wouldn’t be hard for Focus to fan the flames of controversy, especially if an initial cut of the film is slapped with an NC-17.


  Fifty Shades could end up tapping into the same audience that lined up for Stanley Kubrick‘s Eyes Wide Shut. The combined power of Kubrick and stars Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman spurred patrons to catch a dark sexual odyssey that they probably would have skipped otherwise. Eyes Wide Shut managed $162.1 million globally, $55.7 million of which came from North America. When adjusting for inflation, the North American haul would be roughly $87.4 million. Focus would certainly be pleased with a figure that high.


  Let’s also not forget the success of Magic Mike. Steven Soderbergh‘s often-scathing look at the world of male strippers turned into a must-see for women of all ages. The result: a $160.7 million global cume. It’s possible that Fifty Shades could become the next big “Girls-Night” movie along the same lines.


  Or there‘s Sex and the City. The two theatrical releases spun off from the popular HBO show combined for more than $700 million in global receipts, $415.3 million of which came from the first film alone. Capturing even half of the SATC audience would be a huge victory for Focus.


  The August release date indicates confidence on the part of Focus. They are clearly banking on the film to serve as counter-programming to summer blockbusters. A film like 50 Shades could do very well with females moviegoers who crave something other than big-budget action tentpoles. August used to be viewed as a dumping ground, but that’s not the case anymore. Female-skewing flicks such as The Help and Hope Springs--more wholesome efforts than 50 Shades, obviously--have recently performed well in August.


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